WMCD’s October Headlines

As we look forward to our last few fundraising events of 2024, we’ve been busy spreading the word and sharing our organization’s mission with the community! This October, we had two featured articles: one in The Reminder, and one in Westfield City Lifestyle.


“The Westfield-based organization hosts annual 25-hour teen all-nighters that raise money for charities. Its mission is to get youth involved in charity work so that it becomes a routine staple in their lives as adults.

“Through this event, we work to garner community support for charitable causes selected by youth involved with our organization,” explained Monti. “At the conclusion of the all-nighter, we hold a grant presentation ceremony, where the middle and high school students listen to our selected recipients talk about the impact of their donations. In today’s world, we’re building on this opportunity to create an environment where students have the opportunity to understand that bettering their community can be fun, rewarding and memorable.”

Although they aren’t old enough to attend the comedy show, it is the teenagers who choose what charities benefit from it.

“When WMCD’s grand total is announced, we will split the proceeds evenly among the number of recipients our youth selected,” said Monti…”


“WMCD, however, has put their own spin on it, and came up with the idea of hosting all-nighters full of games, music, dancing, food and more - giving teens the opportunity to create meaningful memories, while raising money for select recipients. Since then, the group has raised close to $70,000 for local charities. The most recent recipients are: Rick’s Place, providing critical youth grief support, Griffin’s Friends, providing support to children with cancer, and Rachel’s Table, battling widespread food insecurity.

This coming November 23rd, WMCD will host a “FunnyRaising Comedy Show” at the East Mountain Country Club, to raise money for the 2025 recipients. They will be working with the Jess Miller Comedy Shows, and together plan on providing a hilarious night of entertainment that you will surely not want to miss! Doors open at 6:30pm and the show begins at 8:00pm. The comedians are Jess Miller, Timothy Lovett, Linda Belt, and Kathe Farris. And while laughter will fill the hall, there will also be a cash bar, raffle baskets, a 50/50 raffle, and an optional buffet available for $15.”

So save the dates! On November 23, we’ll spend the night laughing for a cause at our FunnyRaising Comedy Show, and on December 7, we’ll host our third annual Pancake Breakfast (with special guest Santa Claus).

FunnyRaising Comedy Show tickets are sold here.

Pancake Breakfast tickets are sold here.

Thank you for supporting our organization!


An Autumn Charity Quarter Auction


Out & About: WMS Open House