WMCD’S Fundraising Headlines

Our last few big fundraisers of 2024 are here, and we’ve been busy spreading the world and talking to the community about who we are, and what we do! Check out our two newest articles in The Westfield News:


“WMCD Inc. is hosting a charity fundraising comedy night on Saturday, Nov. 23 at the East Mountain Country Club, 1458 E. Mountain Rd. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the show begins at 8 p.m.

The show will feature comedians Jess Miller, Linda Belt, Timothy Lovett and Kathe Farris and all the money raised will benefit local charities chosen by the teen leaders of WMCD, according to Dominic Monti, who is in charge of marketing for WMCD. The event will include raffle baskets, 50/50, cash bar and a $15 buffet. The show is Rated R for adult language so you must be 21 years or older to attend. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at www.wmcd.org.

When discussing the upcoming comedy show, Monti said, “It’s set to be a night full of fun and laughter, especially in a time where there’s a lot of hardship. We’re looking forward to spending the evening laughing with family and friends.”"


“WMCD Inc., a youth based nonprofit that raises money for local charities, is hosting its third annual Pancake Breakfast on Dec. 7. “Both of our previous pancake breakfasts have been successful, being two of our larger fundraisers to date, and so this year we’re looking to reach more members of our community with a fun and cozy way to celebrate the holidays and raise even more money for charity than we have in the past,” said Dominic Monti, who is in charge of marketing for the organization that runs the Western Massachusetts Charity Dance-a thon.

The breakfast will feature holiday music, photo opportunities with holiday-themed backdrops, raffle prizes and the chance to meet Santa Claus.

“We’ve worked really hard to keep our pancake breakfast affordable, with tickets costing $10 or less, so that as many members of the community can enjoy the morning with us in a warm hall with a lot of holiday cheer,” explained Monti.”

We’re thankful for everyone who has supported us in 2024 and look forward to wrapping up our year with our Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, December 7. We hope you’ll join us for a cozy morning full of holiday cheer!

From the bottom of our hearts: thank you for your support.


Seeking Sponsorship


Celebrating a Stand-Up Success!