What is WMCD Incorporated?

  • Youth-Driven Nonprofit Organization

    As of 2024, our organization is an independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit that is led by our Youth Team, under the leadership of our Steering Committee and Board of Directors. Our mission is to involve youth in the event-planning process and provide them with real-life skills and experiences that give back to the community.

  • 25-Hour Charity All-Nighter

    Each March, we host an all-nighter for teens! The 25-hour all-nighter involves overnight games, DJs, food (lots of it!), visits from local mascots, karaoke, and so much more! Topped with opening and closing ceremonies, the celebrations are out-of-this-world!

  • Raising Money For Charity

    Through each annual All-Nighter, we raise funds with the community to donate to deserving recipients. In our first 3 years, we’ve raised $68,505 for Rick’s Place, KEVS Foundation, Rachel’s Table and Griffin’s Friends. With your support, these funds can be given to those who need it the most.

Servant leadership at its best was on display with young people devoting their efforts towards helping those less fortunate than themselves while looking for nothing in return.
— Harry Rock


Tropic Fever was so much fun!

Here’s what our students said their favorite parts were in 2023!

“Eating chicken nuggets at 2am!” -Ciara Johnson-Corwin, Senior

“Chilling with everyone, eating, and dancing ofc” -Ben Miller, Sophomore

“the circle talks 😎” -Mirabella Prefontaine, Freshman

“This was the best night of my life.” -Ella Hamel

“The outpouring of kindness and generosity is truly inspiring and deeply appreciated. The contribution from WMCD will allow us to continue providing essential grief support programs to those in need.”

-Rick’s Place, 2024 Recipient